This cover of the Central Holy Altar, of ivoire-colored velvet, is constituted by 4 pieces, which joined to a united cross-shaped Cover. One more supplement cover of dimensions 2.50 * 1.50 meters is embroidered, in order to be placed onto the Holy Altar.
The front side Cover of dimensions 1.74 * 0.96 meters represents the Assumption of Virgin in its centre and it is embroidered in silk thread of color blue and red, gold wire, silver wire and 3 pearls.
The theme portrayed οn the three sides of the front Cover is the vineyard.
The Cover placed onto the Holy Altar, of dimensions 1.95 cm * 1.46 is embroidered in gold wire and silver wire. and the theme portrayed is similarly the vineyard.
A fringe of gold wire is hanged parametrically in both covers while one tassel decorated them, each in every corner.
This unique gold-embroidered work was completed in February 2009 and required 7,400 hours of strenuous work.
It was handed over in the presence of His Reverend Excellecy of Syros and Tinos, Dorotheos the Second.